Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Week 32--Blanket

Here in sunny Arizona, we have been enjoying the loveliest spring weather with chilly nights. Perfect for pulling a nice fuzzy blanket up to our ears.
Until today. With the turn of the calendar to June, it's officially Summer, with Inferno expected over the weekend. Did you know meteorologists have a different definition of summer from astronomers? While summer doesn't officially start until June 22 based on the movements of the sun, weathermen (or women) say it starts June 1.
We're believers.
But before we get all heated up, let's look at our blankets.

From Freebird, we have this beaded cutie:

And our official response is a positive relic:

Every child, no matter how old, should have a blankie to call their own.
Until next time....


  1. Love your blankie, my kids always had them as well. God bless a good blankie. lol my twichie is a bit creepy but oh well! LOL

    1. Everybody should have the security that comes from a woobie, it's true! Great work! c
